Eureka Elena 625MR Jewelry Chest

Eureka Elena 625MR Jewelry Chest - Are you looking for where to buy Eureka Elena 625MR Jewelry Chest, if yes you need to read our Eureka Elena 625MR Jewelry Chest review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
The Elena Jewelry Chest has a mahogany finish and dior red lining. Features a lined drawer for earrings and necklaces, antique brass-finished side handles, solid brass drawer pulls, cover lift and attached nameplate.

Product Details:

  • Lined drawer for earrings and necklaces
  • Antique brass-finished side handles
  • Solid brass drawer pulls, cover lift and attached nameplate
  • Chests are lined in crush-resistant nylon velvet
  • Made in USA

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