Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5"

Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" - Are you looking for where to buy Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5", if yes you need to read our Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
Store your jewelry in style. Great for jewelry store display or home decor. Interior is fully lined with satin and has a mirror on top and cushioned spaces on the right. Jewelry box is made of polyresin with beads, tassel and rosettes details. Great quality.7" x 5-1/8"W x 3-1/4"H. It comes in a presentable gift box. It's a perfect accessory to compliment any classic or Victorian home. Other possible uses include wedding favor, bridal shower...etc.

Product Details:

  • 7" x 5-1/8"W x 3-1/4"H
  • Combine functionality and artistic embodiment that can accent any room
  • Conveniently Packaged in a gift box good for gift giving
  • Safe place to store your rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and other small valuables.
  • High quality handcrafted piece.

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Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5",Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" Review, Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" Comparison Price, Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" Best Offer, Victorian Style Jewelry Box with Mirror Ring Holder Embellished Green 7" x 5" Best Price