Harmony Musical Jewelry Box in Cherry

Harmony Musical Jewelry Box in Cherry - Are you looking for where to buy Harmony Musical Jewelry Box in Cherry, if yes you need to read our Harmony Musical Jewelry Box in Cherry review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
0041311 Features: -Jewelry box.-Plays beautiful dreamer.-Twin swing-out necklace doors with three hooks each.-Necklace catch at the bottom and a compartment at the top of each drawer.-Lift lid with a full mirror.-Top has ring rolls, four divided sections and one long section across the front.-Three open drawers.-Hand lined in sand sueded fabric. Color/Finish: -Cherry finish.

Product Details:

  • Cherry finish, musical jewelry box.
  • Plays Beautiful Dreamer.
  • Twin swing-out necklace doors with three hooks each.
  • Necklace catch at the bottom and a compartment at the top of each drawer.
  • Lift lid with mirror.

Customer Reviews:

The picture is a little deceiving. By Maryam
I thought it would be a little bigger then the one i actually got. Also the drawers are not attached to anything so they just come right out.

Quality Jewelry Box By Clarence E. Trant
Finish on the item is very good. The box is a georgeous red (cherry) in color. The musical instrument inside plays a beautiful and catchy tune. This was purchased as a Christmas gift for my six year old granddaughter and I believe it will give her many years, if not a lifetime, of pleasure and service. Her grandmother and I can't wait to give it to her in a few weeks. If she doesn't enjoy it, it will truly be a shock to us. The vendor, Unbeatable Sale, provides great service and shipping in addition to a great product.

Good product and value By Dennis J. Knight
Ordered for my wife for Valentines Day. It is really nice quality, exactly like you see in the picture. Drawers and doors close and open as you would expect. Just be sure you understand the size, as it is a bit smaller than I expected. I would buy this product again.

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